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- The University of Iowa, Iowa City, U.S.A. Ph.D. 1998 Mechanical Engineering
- Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea M.Sc. 1988 Naval Architecture
- Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea B.Sc. 1986 Naval Architecture

04/2010 - current Professor, Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, SNU, Korea.
06/2013-06/2017 ±â¼úÀ§¿ø, Çؾç¼ö»ê¹Ì·¡±â¼úÀ§¿øȸ, Çؾç¼ö»êºÎ
04/2011-12/2014 Àü¹®À§¿ø, ±¹°¡°úÇбâ¼úÀ§¿øȸ(½ÉÀÇȸ) °Å´ë°ø°ø±â¼ú Àü¹®À§¿øȸ
(Review Board, National Science & Technology Commission)
04/2010-02/2016 ´ÜÀå, ¾ÆÀ̼Ò-Áö¿À¸ÞÆ®¸¯ ÃÖÀû¼³°è âÀÇ¿¬±¸´Ü
(Director, National Creative Research Initiatives Center for Isogeometric Design)
01/2007-12/2007 Reviewer, International Research Fellowship Program, National Science Foundation, U.S.A.
04/2005-04/2010 Associate Professor, Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, SNU, Korea
03/2001-03/2005 Assistant Professor, Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, SNU, Korea
05/2000-12/2000 Software Development Engineer, Altair Engineering Inc., Irvine, California
05/2000-05/2000 Software Development Consultant, ESI Group (ESI-USA), San Diego, California
11/1998-05/2000 CAE Project Engineer/Analyst, DaimlerChrysler Corporation, Detroit, Michigan
07/1998-10/1998 Postdoctoral Associate, Center for Computer Aided Design, Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City
01/1994-05/1998 Research Assistant, Center for Computer Aided Design (CCAD), Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City
01/1991-06/1993 Deputy Manager, KIA Technical Center, KIA Motors, Seoul, Korea
12/1990-12/1987 Research Engineer, KIA Research Institute, KIA Motors, Seoul, Korea
02/2011- current Review Editor, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (SCI Journal, IF= 3.925)
11/2010- current Editorial Board, Scientia Iranica Transaction A: Civil Engineering (SCI Journal, IF= 0.718)
08/2008- current Associate Editor, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, (SCI Journal, IF= 1.986)
04/2012-04/2013 Editor-In-Chief, Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea (COSEIK)
04/2006-04/2012 Associate Editor, Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea (COSEIK)
11/2014 KSIAM 2014 Annual Meeting, Jeju, Korea.
08/2010 ICCES Special Symposium on Meshless & Other Novel Computational Methods, Korea.
11/2009 International Conference on Computational Design in Engineering, Korea.
04/2008 International Symposium Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of COSEIK, Seoul, Korea.
04/2007 International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2007), Hiroshima, Japan
06/2006 1st Japan-Korea Joint Workshop on Computational Mechanics, Osaka, Japan
10/2005 IUTAM Symposium (topoptSYMP2005), Copenhagen, Denmark
11/2004 International Workshops on Advances in Computational Mechanics (IWACOM), Tokyo (Hosei University), Japan
05/2018 - 05/2019 International Scientific Committee, 13th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (WCSMO13), Beijing, China.
10/2014 - 06/2015 International Scientific Committee, 11th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (WCSMO11), Sydney, Australia.
09/2013 - 05/2014 Organizing Committee, The Eighth China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Optimization of Structural and Mechanical Systems (CJK-OSM8),
Kyungju, Korea, May 25-29, 2014.
11/2012-05/2013 International Scientific Committee, 10th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Orlando, USA
12/2011-11/2012 Organizing Committee, 2nd International Conference on COmputational Design in Engineering, Korea, November 13-16,2012.
06/2010-06/2012 Scientific Committee, 7th CJK Symposium on Optimization of Structural and Mechanical Systems, China, June 18-21, 2012.
07/2010-06/2011 International Scientific Committee, 9th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization
06/2007-06/2008 Organizing Committee, 5th CJK Joint Symposium on Optimization of Structural and Mechanical Systems
06/2006-05/2007 Organizing Committee, 7th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (WCSMO7)
10/2006-10/2006 Secretary General, 20th Asian Technical Exchange and Advisory Meeting on Marine Structures

- 1. 30th Anniversary Academic Award, Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea, April 2018.
2. Academic Award, Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea, April 2016. - 3. Excellent Paper Award, The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies, July 2012.
- 4. Song Hawon Award, Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea, April 2012.
5. Excellent Paper Award, Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea, April 2009.6. Excellent Research Award, College of Engineering in Seoul National University, March 2009.
7. Sin-Yang Academic Award, College of Engineering in Seoul National University, December 2005.

» Isogeometric Shape Optimization of Metamaterials
» Design Optimaization of Nano-Contimuum Structures

1. Myung-Jin Choi, Se-Hyeon Kang, Myung-Hoon Oh, Seonho Cho, “Controllable Optimal Design of Auxetic Structures for Extremal Poisson’s Ratio of -2,” Composite Structures, Accepted for Publication, July 10, 2019. (SCI, 2018 Impact Factor 4.829)
2. Myung-Jin Choi, Myung-Hoon Oh, Bonyong Koo, Seonho Cho, “Optimal Design of Lattice Structures for Controllable Extremal Band Gaps,” Scientific Reports, 9, 9976, July 10, 2019. (SCI, 2018 Impact Factor 4.011)
3. Myung-Jin Choi, Seonho Cho, “Isogeometric Configuration Design Sensitivity Analysis of Geometrically Exact Shear-deformable Beam Structures,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 351:153-183, 2019. (SCI, 2018 Impact Factor 4.821)
4. Song-Hyun Cha, Se-Hyeon Kang, You Jeong Lee, Jae-Hyun Kim, Eun-Young Ahn, Youmie Park, Seonho Cho, “Fabrication of nanoribbons by dielectrophoresis-assisted cold welding of gold nanoparticles on mica substrate,” Scientific Reports, 6, 3629, Mar. 6, 2019. (SCI, 2018 Impact Factor 4.011)
5. Hyun-Seok Kim, Jae-Hyun Kim, Song-Hyun Cha, Seonho Cho, “Optimal Determination of Force Field Parameters for Reduced Molecular Dynamics Model,” Computer Physics Communications, 236, pp. 86-94, 2019. (SCI, 2018 Impact Factor 3.309, Top 2.73%)
6. Eun-Young Ahn, Su Jung Hwang, Myung-Jin Choi, Seonho Cho, Hyo-Jong Lee, Youmie Park Upcycling of jellyfish (Nemopilema nomurai) sea wastes as highly valuable reducing agents for green synthesis of gold nanoparticles and their antitumor and anti-inflammatory activity, Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology, 46(S2), pp. S1127–S1136, 2018. (SCI, 2018 Impact Factor 4.462)
7. Seung-Ho Ahn, Myung-Jin Choi, Seonho Cho, “Isogeometric Shape Design Optimization of Nanoscale Structures using Continuum-based Shell Theory considering Surface Effects,” International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 141, pp. 9-20, 2018. (SCI, 2018 Impact Factor 4.134)
8. Myung-Jin Choi, Seonho Cho, “Elimination of self-straining in isogeometric formulations of curved Timoshenko beams in curvilinear coordinates,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 309:680-692, 2016. (SCI, 2018 Impact Factor 4.821)
9. Minho Yoon, Myung-Jin Choi, Seonho Cho, “Isogeometric Configuration Design Optimization of Heat Conduction Problems using Boundary Integral Equation,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 89, pp.937-949, 2015. (SCI, 2018 Impact Factor 4.346)
10. Su Jung Hwang, Sang Hui Jun, Yohan Park, Song-Hyun Cha, Minho Yoon, Seonho Cho, Hyo-Jong Lee, Youmie Park, “Green synthesis of gold nanoparticles using chlorogenic acid and their enhanced performance for inflammation,” Nanomedicine-Nanotechnology Biology and Medicine, 11, 1677-1688, 2015. (SCI, 2018 Impact Factor 5.570)
11. Myung-Jin Choi, Seonho Cho, “Mesh Regularization Scheme to Update Internal Control Points in Isogeometric Shape Design Optimization,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 285, 694-713, 2015. (SCI, 2018 Impact Factor 4.821)
12. Myung-Jin Choi and Seonho Cho, “Isogeometric Shape Design Sensitivity Analysis of Stress Intensity Factors for Curved Crack Problems,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 279:469-496, July 26, 2014. (SCI, 2018 Impact Factor 4.821)
13. Hong-Lae Jang and Seonho Cho, “Adjoint Shape Design Sensitivity Analysis for Fluid-Solid Interactions using Concurrent Mesh Velocity in ALE Formulation,” Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 85, pp.20-32, 2014. (SCI, 2018 Impact Factor 2.456, Top 8.46%)
14. Minho Yoon, Seung-Hyun Ha, Seonho Cho, “Isogeometric Shape Design Optimization of Heat Conduction Problems,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 62, pp. 272-285, 2013. 4. (SCI, 2018 Impact Factor 4.346)
15. Min-Geun Kim, Hong-Lae Jang, Seonho Cho, “Adjoint Design Sensitivity Analysis of Reduced Atomic Systems using Generalized Langevin Equation for Lattice Structures,” Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 240, pp.1-19, 2013. 5. (SCI, 2018 Impact Factor 2.845, Top 6.36%)
16. Bonyong Koo, Minho Yoon, Seonho Cho, “Isogeometric Shape Design Sensitivity Analysis using Transformed Basis Functions for Kronecker Delta Property,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 253, pp. 505-516, 2013. 1. (SCI, 2018 Impact Factor 4.821)
17. Seonho Cho, Juho Kwak, “Topology Design Optimization for Geometrically Nonlinear Structures Using Meshfree Method,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 195, 44-47, pp. 5909-5925, 2006. 9. (SCI,2018 Impact Factor 4.821)
18. Seonho Cho, Jae-yeon Choi, “Efficient Topology Optimization of Thermo-elasticity Problems using Coupled Field Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Method,” Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Vol. 41, 15, pp. 1481-1495, 2005. 9. (SCI, 2018 Impact Factor 2.456, Top 8.46%)
19. Hyunseung Jung, Seonho Cho, “Reliability-based Topology Optimization of Geometrically Nonlinear Structures with Loading and Material Uncertainties,” Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Vol. 41, 3, pp. 311-331, 2004. 12. (SCI, 2018 Impact Factor 2.456, Top 8.46%)
20. Seonho Cho, Hyunseung Jung, “Design Sensitivity Analysis and Topology Optimization of Displacement-loaded Nonlinear Structures,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 192, 22-24, pp. 2539-2553, 2003. 6. (SCI, 2018 Impact Factor 4.821)
1. Myung-Hoon Oh, Myung-Jin Choi, Bonyong Koo, Seonho Cho, “Isogeometric Optimal Design of Band Gap Structures with Screw and Rotational Symmetries,” Asia-Pacific Congress for Computational Mechanics (APCOM2019), Taipei, December 18-21, 2019.
2. Se-Hyeon Kang, Myung-Jin Choi, Minho Yoon, Seonho Cho, “Isogeometric Optimal Design of Finite Deformation Metamaterials for Maximal Twisting Mechanisms,” Asia-Pacific Congress for Computational Mechanics (APCOM2019), Taipei, December 18-21, 2019.
3. Song-Hyun Cha, Jae-Hyun Kim, Se-Hyeon Kang, Youmie Park, Seonho Cho, “Fabrication of nanoribbons by dielectrophoresis-assisted cold welding of gold nanoparticles considering induced charge density of surface atoms,” Asia-Pacific Congress for Computational Mechanics (APCOM2019), Taipei, December 18-21, 2019.
4. Myung-Jin Choi, Se-Hyun Kang, Myung-Hoon Oh, Seonho Cho, “Isogeometric Design Optimization of Lattice Structures for Negative Poisson’s Ratio,” 13th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Beijing, China, May 20-24, 2019.
5. Hong-Lae Jang, Jae-Hyun Kim, Se-Hyeon Kang, Seonho Cho, “Optimal isotopic distribution of carbon nanotubes for extreme thermal Conductivity,” 13th World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Beijing, China, May 20-24, 2019.
6. Myung-Jin Choi, Seonho Cho, "Isogeometric Optimal Design of Shape Memory Polymer Lattice Structures for Extremal Negative Poisson’s Ratio (Æ÷½ºÅÍ)," Çѱ¹ Àü»ê±¸Á¶°øÇÐȸ Çмú¹ßǥȸ, ºÎ°æ´ëÇб³, ºÎ»ê, 2019. 4. 3-5.
7. Myung-Hoon Oh, Myung-Jin, Bonyong Koo, Seonho Cho, "Crack Propagation Control using Peridynamics-based Shape Design Optimization (Æ÷½ºÅÍ)," Çѱ¹ Àü»ê±¸Á¶°øÇÐȸ Çмú¹ßǥȸ, ºÎ°æ´ëÇб³, ºÎ»ê, 2019. 4. 3-5.
8. Hyun-Seok Kim, Jae-Hyun Kim, Songhyun Cha, Seonho Cho, "Efficient Molecular Dynamic Analysis through Optimal Determination of Potential Parameters (Æ÷½ºÅÍ)," Çѱ¹ Àü»ê±¸Á¶°øÇÐȸ Çмú¹ßǥȸ, ºÎ°æ´ëÇб³, ºÎ»ê, 2019. 4. 3-5.
9. Myung-Hoon Oh, Myung-Jin Choi, Bonyong Koo, Seonho Cho, "Wave Propagation in Undulated Structures using Rotational Periodic Boundary Conditions," Çѱ¹ Àü»ê±¸Á¶°øÇÐȸ Çмú¹ßǥȸ, ºÎ°æ´ëÇб³, ºÎ»ê, 2019. 4. 3-5.
10. Myung-Jin Choi, Myung-Hoon Oh, Bonyong Koo, Seonho Cho, "Isogeometric Optimal Design of Lattice Structures for Extremal Band Gaps," Çѱ¹ Àü»ê±¸Á¶°øÇÐȸ Çмú¹ßǥȸ, ºÎ°æ´ëÇб³, ºÎ»ê, 2019. 4. 3-5.
11. M.J. Choi, S.H. Kang, M.H. Oh, H.Y. Jung, Seonho Cho, “Isogeometric Optimal Design of Lattice Metamaterials,” 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM), New York City, USA, July 22-27, 2018.
12. Eun-Young Ahn, Su Jung Hwang, Myung-Jin Choi, Seonho Cho, Hyo-Jong Lee, Youmie Park,“Antitumor and anti-inflammatory activities of gold nanoparticles green-synthesized by upcycling of jellyfish (Nemopilema nomurai) sea wastes,” ´ëÇѾàÇÐȸ 2018 Ãß°è±¹Á¦Çмú´ëȸ, ICC Á¦ÁÖ, 2018.10.17~2018.10.19. ¹ßÇ¥ÀÏ 2018.10.18.
13. You Jeong Lee, Yoonho Choi, Sehyeon Kang, Song-Hyun Cha, Hyun-Seok Kim, Kwangho Song, Kyeongsoon Kim, Seonho Cho, Youmie Park,“Synthesis of gold and silver nanoparticles using platycodon saponins from Platycodi Radix (Platycodon grandiflorum) and their catalytic activities,” ´ëÇѾàÇÐȸ 2018 Ãß°è±¹Á¦Çмú´ëȸ, ICC Á¦ÁÖ, 2018.10.17~2018.10.19. ¹ßÇ¥ÀÏ 2018.10.18.